In 4 SurveyUSA tracking polls going back 8 weeks, SurveyUSA has never shown the Minnesota Marriage Amendment being defeated. Until today.
ABC Affiliate, KSTP, Minneapolis
Last night, Public Policy Polling released polling numbers showing that 52% of Minnesotans opposed the amendment with 45% in support.
Tonight, KSTP/SurveyUSA release their final poll before the election and the NO side leads with 48% of voters opposed to amending the constitution to limit the rights of committed same-sex couples.
That’s right: A second independent poll has found that Minnesotans oppose amending the constitution to limit the rights of a subset of citizens.
With that said, it’s going to be nail-biting close. According to KSTP:
The margin is small, and could just be statistical noise, but at the wire, SurveyUSA has “No” at 48%, “Yes” at 47%, well within the survey’s possible sources of error, but significant enough to warrant a mention. In SurveyUSA’s two most recent polls, Yes led No by a single point. Now the dress shoe is on the other foot, with No leading Yes by a single point.
With less than 48 hours until Minnesota polls close, we can’t let up. If you can help with get-out-the-vote efforts, please sign up here.
Minnesota, this is going to be close. EVERY single vote is going to matter in this election. Help make history by saying NO on Tuesday!